Start seeing clearly.

IDeaS science-based revenue forecasting software helps transform data complexity into data clarity — empowering hotel owners and managers to more effectively plan, budget and evaluate business strategy and success.

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Enhance Productivity

Boost efficiencies and effectiveness with revenue intelligence forecasting software that automates data collection and organization.

profits going up icon

Increase Profitability

Utilize precise, consolidated hotel revenue forecasts and reports to plan smarter strategy for the entire organization.

glass and bottle of wine icon

Forecast Total Revenue

Budget and plan for all revenue streams — including food and beverage revenue — based on a forecast you can count on.

IDeaS Planning & Performance Insights Solutions

  • IDeaS RevPlan
  • IDeaS Optix for G3 RMS

IDeaS RevPlan software delivers precise total revenue forecasting and budgeting to enable agile decision-making for greater productivity, staffing efficiency and profit performance.

Automate revenue forecasting
RevPlan integrates with your key property systems to allow department leaders to build a forecast in minutes.

Boost productivity
RevPlan automates data collection and preparation to help reduce errors and give revenue managers back hours each week to focus on strategy.

Unify budgeting & planning
Finance and hotel leaders can easily access data across the portfolio through uniform forecasting and budgeting structures.

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computer screen of a spreadsheet in a hotel revenue management system

IDeaS Optix is an advanced reporting and dashboard module that works seamlessly with G3 RMS. Optix empowers hotel leaders and revenue managers to adapt plans and strategy in real-time via the ability to quickly explore, investigate and focus on revenue impacting insights hidden in their data.

See the big picture
Gain instant access to rolled up data for the entire estate and easily compare across multiple properties.

Uncover trends and outliers
Identify problem properties or segments to understand where to invest time and resources.

Dig deeper with custom reports
Pivot and view data in new and different ways then share across the organization.

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IDeaS Optix for G3 RMS

How can you benefit from IDeaS’ revenue science & forecasting solutions?

Revenue Managers

Modern revenue managers have outgrown spreadsheets and require more automation, precision, and predictability for all revenue streams.

  • Eliminate time wasted in spreadsheets
  • Build a total revenue strategy

Hotel Leaders

Executives and GMs have responsibilities across the organization so when it comes to strategizing and budgeting, they require solutions that are precise and robust.

  • Gain a holistic view of all properties and revenue streams
  • Forecast with agility and confidence

Finance Leaders

Finance shoulders the task of regularly assembling precise and accurate projections for the entire business in accordance with fiscal policy.

  • Create precise profit and loss projections by business unit
  • Implement uniform budget and forecasting processes

“Our revenue managers now have even more power at their fingertips. Data for all revenue streams is accessible in one spot. With the push of a button, everything we need to forecast and plan is right there.”

How to get started in forecasting F&B revenues

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Introducing IDeaS RevPlan - science-based total revenue forecasting

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properties transforming revenue operations

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Improving Sustainability through Advanced Forecasting

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Learn more about how IDeaS RevPlan can transform how you plan and budget revenue

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Turn planning and budgeting into your secret weapon.
